Tome X-Treme Eli Watson Tome X-Treme Eli Watson

232. Cursed Waters and Monsterfrest 2!

This episode we gather round the Campfire to welcome Jason Hewlett to discuss the new film Cursed Waters and his book The Legend of Ogopogo. Take a deep dive into the story behind these two works and a look behind the scenes of Monsterfrest 2! No that's not a typo!

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Tome X-Treme Eli Watson Tome X-Treme Eli Watson

229. The Ins and Outs of the Indigo Children

In the 1980s, psychic Nancy Ann Tappe saw something she would never forget, the next step in human evolution. THE INDIGO CHILDREN. Join Alex, Eli and Jasmine as we discuss the ins and outs of what makes someone an Indigo Child, the public schooling system, the 1999 blockbuster Baby Geniuses and is Qui-Gon Jinn a cryptid?

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Tome X-Treme Eli Watson Tome X-Treme Eli Watson

228. Easter Hares and Wolpertingers

In this episode we dive deep into the history of Easter (fashionably late of course) and get down to brass tax on what a wolpertinger is and where green eggs and ham come from! And don't forget to get your tickets to Monsterfest 2 where Cryptid Campfire will be doing a podcast LIVE for the very first time!

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Tome X-Treme Eli Watson Tome X-Treme Eli Watson

226. Hanging with Heather Moser

In this special edition of Cryptid Campfire, we talk to Small Town Monsters producer Heather Moser. Heather, also known as the Pagan Historian, hosts her own podcast, called The Lore You Know, as well as balancing many duties at Small Town Monsters. In this episode she discusses many of her paranormal experiences and hints at the secret ingredient in her Tuna Casserole.

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Tome X-Treme Eli Watson Tome X-Treme Eli Watson

225. Musty Mammoths

Everyone’s favorite hairy elephants are said to be roaming around the Yukon and Siberia, but is there any truth to these claims? Join Eli, Alex and Jasmine as they address the elephant in the room in the first episode of 2024!

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Tome X-Treme Eli Watson Tome X-Treme Eli Watson

224. A Very Special Toddcast

In this special Cryptid Campfire interview, Eli chronicles Todd Hale's meteoric rise to fame in the Sasquatch world. We also dive into some of his work and theories on to what the habits of the Sasquatch creature are, and his interet in Southern California Bigfoot.

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Eli Watson Eli Watson

223. Highway Hibagon - The Japanese Bigfoot

In the mountains of Japan there lurks a creature that resembles the North American Sasquatch. Often referred to as the Hibagon, this supposed hominid stands at about five feet tall and scares unwitting farmers who happen across it. Sometimes called the more polite Bigfoot, could there be a darker secret behind it? With some people going missing with no trace, there might be only one thing to blame!

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Tome X-Treme Eli Watson Tome X-Treme Eli Watson

222. Halloween Talk

Join the Campfire for a relaxed discussion about various different monsters of folklore, the real life inspirations behind the groundbreaking Frankenstein story and some of their favorite spooky movies! Live, laugh and love with us this Halloween season!

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Tome X-Treme Eli Watson Tome X-Treme Eli Watson

221. The Pigman of Northfield

Deep within the state of Vermont stalks the Pigman of Northfield! Some say it's the body of teenager Sam Harris who mysteriously vanished before Halloween in 1951, while others insist it's something... else. Over seas, a similar creature stalks the Cannock Chase , with sightings that will send chills down anyone's spine! And stick around for a bonus when we talk about Jimmy the Rat!

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Tome X-Treme Eli Watson Tome X-Treme Eli Watson

220. The Minnesota Iceman

In the late 1960's carnival goers across the United States had a chance to see something incredible... a creature frozen in a block of ice! Could it be evidence of a living Neanderthal or even a Sasquatch? The strange saga of the Minnesota Iceman involved many cryptozoologists of the time including Ivan Sanderson and Bernard Heuvelmans in a quest to uncover the truth about a specimen so strange and so shrouded in mystery that its identity is still debated today! Join Alex, Jasmine and Eli as they try to untangle the neverending web of secrecy that shrouds the mysterious iceblock!!!

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Tome X-Treme Eli Watson Tome X-Treme Eli Watson

219. The Gentle Grafton Monster

In summer of 1964, reporter Robert Cockrell witnessed something he could not explain while on his drive back home. A huge 9 foot tall creature with white skin and no head lurked by the side of the road. This was the beginning of a frenzy that overtook the small town of Grafton, West Virginia in their pursuit of what became known as the the Grafton Monster!

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Tome X-Treme Eli Watson Tome X-Treme Eli Watson

218. The Dogman Triangle with Aaron Deese

Aaron Deese is an author and host of the podcast Hey Strangeness. Aaron compiled research on the dogman phenomenon in Texas and discovered a triangular pattern over the center of the state. This research was developed into a manuscript titled The Texas Dogman Triangle, which is now available for purchase through Amazon or the Small Town Monsters website.

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Tome X-Treme Eli Watson Tome X-Treme Eli Watson

217. The Brackish Beast of Gevaudan

The Beast of Gevaudan is one of the classics of real werewolf stories. From murdering dozens of peasants in the countryside of France, to its paranormal powers of disappearing into the mist and defying death, it's no wonder many thought it was sent from the heavens above to punish them. However, this story is full of political intrigue and power plays that factored into making this beast what we think of today, but was this beast truly a demon on Earth or was it something more... mundane? Find out in today's episode!!!

They say you can't keep a good horse down, but that's certainly true for Cryptid Campfire! We're back everyone and we're sharing the good news with everyone! Thanks to all the fans who never left in the time we were on our indefinite hiatus, but we're proud to be back making a quality episode once a month!

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Tome IX Eli Watson Tome IX Eli Watson

216. Campfire Sendoff

In this closing episode of Cryptid Campfire, Alex, Eli and Jasmine share some of their favorite episodes and create epic cryptid coliseum battles that close out the fictional storyline. They also share a heartfelt thank you to the Paranormal Network and their subscribers!

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Tome IX Eli Watson Tome IX Eli Watson

215. Falkville Metal Man

In 1973, Chief of Police Jeff Greenhaw received a call about a crashed UFO on a local property in Falkville, Alabama. He responded to the call and met a strange humanoid covered in a metallic suit, and managed to take photos of it as well.

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Tome IX Eli Watson Tome IX Eli Watson

213. Wiggly Wampus Cat

The Campfire visits the region of Appalachia, the home of the six legged Wampus Cat. Once a beautiful Cherokee maid, some say the Wampus Cat is a defender of the region while others say it is out to eat those whoever crosses its path.

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