Tome IX Eli Watson Tome IX Eli Watson

211. Chambers Creature

In a small town in Ohio, is said to reside the Chambers Creature! A hippo like entity that glows green and terrorizes citizens. Starting in the late 80s and moving towards present day, what exactly is this creature? An escaped hippo or some kind of other worldly phantom?

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Eli Watson Eli Watson

189. Jumpin’ Giants

Giants once roamed the Earth, or did they? This week, the crew examines some of the most famous giant stories of all time from the Giant of Kandahar to the Cardiff Giant, and the wild theories surrounding their existence. Join us for a riveting journey through time and space!

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Tome VII Eli Watson Tome VII Eli Watson

166. Bussin Bessie

The trio visits Lake Erie, home of Bessie, Ohio's very own lake monster. Reports date back hundreds of years, yet vary in almost every way imaginable. Is there truth to the lake Erie Monster or is all another ploy by Ohio to attempt to get famous? You decide!

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