Four Fortean Books to Read while in Quarantine
As we all stay at home during this quarantine trying to beat this virus, there’s plenty of time to chill out and read a good book! And the Campfire has you covered as we compiled a list of four Fortean books (arranged in no particular order) to keep your mysterious side alive and well.
The Lake Michigan Mothman: High Strangeness in the Midwest is a fantastic read if you’re into Mothman. Not only is this book a comprehensive look at Tobias Wayland’s research into the heart of the flap of sightings in 2017, but it's also soon to become the subject a Small Town Monsters’ series “On the Trail of… The Lake Michigan Mothman”.
Grab your copy on Amazon.
The Lake Michigan Mothman: High Strangeness in the Midwest by Tobias Wayland
Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook by Lon Strickler
Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook is another deep dive into the phenomenon of flying cryptids. Lon Strickler has compiled sighting reports from over 30 years of research and laid them out for the readers to decide for themselves whether this is something easily explained away or something that we have yet to understand.
Grab your copy on Amazon.
Beyond the Fray: Bigfoot is 200 pages of frightening Bigfoot encounters. If you like the more personal and often terrifying experiences people have with cryptids this book is sure to hit the right spot. However, like any good horror film, this book will probably make you want to sleep with your lights on!
Beyond the Fray: Bigfoot by Shannon LeGro and G. Michael Hopf
Monsters in Print: A Collection of Curious Creatures Known mostly from Newspapers is a book that's so much fun to flip to a random page and start reading. Every page contains some strange or unidentified creature from American Newspapers from decades past. If you’re more of a sporadic person who likes to jump around from cryptid to cryptid and era to era this is the book for you!
Grab your copy on Amazon.
Monsters in Print: A Collection of Curious Creatures Known mostly from Newspapers by Adam Benedict
The Essential Guide to Bigfoot by Ken Gerhard
The Essential Guide to Bigfoot is probably one of the most comprehensive guides to Bigfoot that money can buy. It is chock full of Bigfoot history ranging from the Jerry Crew casts to the Patterson-Gimlin Film. While delivering knowledge on Bigfoot in a fun and engaging manner, Ken Gerhard also reveals his own research into the subject and his own opinions regarding the cryptid. So if you’re looking to come out of quarantine with a brain full of Bigfoot info to dump on your unwitting friends this is definitely the book to grab!
Grab it on Amazon.
If you decide to pick up one of these books during quarantine, or if you are already reading one of these books, drop a comment below and let us know how you like it!